Managing your modals

Modals are managed using a LIFO (last in first out) stack. openModal() will add a new modal to the stack and hide the previous one until it is dismissed.

  import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { openModal, closeAllModals } from 'svelte-modals'
  import ConfirmModal from './ConfirmModal.svelte'

  function handleDelete() {
    openModal(ConfirmModal, {
      message: "This will delete very important data",
      onConfirm: () => {

        openModal(ConfirmModal, {
          message: "Are you absolutely sure?",
          labels: {
            cancel: 'No',
            confirm: 'Yes'
          onConfirm: () => {


<button on:click={handleDelete}>Delete Important Data</button>

Your modal components will receive an isOpen prop. Modals stay mounted regardless if they are showing or not, so you’ll need to wrap your contents in an if block to hide them.

<!-- MyModal.svelte -->
  export let isOpen

{#if isOpen}
  <div role="dialog">
    <!-- ... -->